Alex, a handsome man!

Alex, a handsome man!

Monday, December 13, 2010


 Wow! A whole month has gotten past since I last updated Alex's blog!  Alex is so busy, don-cha-know!  Thanksgiving was wonderful and among the many things I gave thanks for, my dear dear Alex was right at the top. He brings such joy to my life. Everywhere I take him, people absolutely light up. They can't believe they are seeing a real live chicken, and for just a moment, they completely forget their worries and troubles.  He has made friends everywhere.
 In December, we took a trip to Redding California. Alex was the perfect little traveler and never once pooped on my lap. He'd 'let me know he had to go' buy getting restless, so we'd pull over and take him for a little walk. He'd take care of business right away and we'd be back on our way.
 It was funny having a rooster in the hotel room. But the Oxford suites in Redding is pet friendly and was very kind to Alex. Alex is very accepted in Atascadero, but we weren't sure how he'd be accepted in Redding. So when we went to the mall, we sneaked him in under my coat.  Within minutes he was playing with toys at the toy store and greeting folks as they did their Christmas shopping. You just can't keep a good man down!  He even got his picture taken with Santa Claus! I guess Redding is 'pet friendly' too!
  We had a great time, and one of the highlights was a trip to the famous Sundial Bridge. This is a 24 million dollar GLASS bridge that spans the Sacramento river. It was beautiful and exhilerating and scary at the same time being up there but we had a ball and made still more new friends. Alot of people were walking their dogs over the bridge, but no one could believe I was carrying a little rooster over the bridge. Alex stayed safe and warm, tucked in my jacket next to my heart the whole time.